Projects API Documentation - Version 1

Project administration

Details on how this API is managed as a project.

Project maintainer

The Project Maintainer is David Connor.

The Project Maintainer is ultimately responsible for all aspects of this API including (but not limited to):


In the first instance create an issue of the relevant type (issue, bug, improvement, etc.) in the project issue tracker (see the issue tracker section).

If you are unable to access Jira please contact Felix Fennell for assistance.

Issue tracker

The project issue tracker is the primary location for tracking the development of the API and discussions related to it.

The issue tracker for this project is hosted within the BAS Web & Applications Team (BASWEB) project in the NERC Jira issue tracker.

Issues should should use the Project - Projects API component to be automatically assigned to the Project Maintainer.

Accounts are needed to access the issue tracker, contact the Project Maintainer for new accounts.

This information may be out of date whilst this website is being redeveloped. Until then, if you have any problems using an API documented here, please contact the relevant project maintainer.